- The coefficients of friction of the ELGA-G series were adapted.
- The hint regarding the self-locking effect is shown correctly.
- The torque for the operating points in the torque/speed-diagram is calculated correctly.
- The diagram for systems including rotary modules is shown correctly.
- This correlates with the calculation of the jerk (see below).
- Bugfixes
- The calculation of the jerk over every single motion profile step was adapted.
- The calculation of the jerk for rotary modules was adapted.
- A validity check for given speed AND acceleration/deceleration in the motion profile was included.
- Only return systems complying with the selected values in the motion profile editor (values for speed and acceleration/deceleration).
Missing product combination:
Modified with version 2.2.18
- Direct drives are shown with brake selected.
- Warning symbols in the result list are shown correctly.
- Calculation of jerk is limited in order to reach more feasible results. (since V2.2.16)
- The jerk does not depend on inputs in the motion profile anymore.
- The coefficients of sliding friction were adapted to current coefficients of friction provided by Neugart. (since V2.2.16)
- The coefficients of friction of the ELGA series were adapted by the use of field measurements. (since V2.2.16)
- Usable force of ELGA-TB was adapted due to the new coefficients of friction.
- The zero lengths of belts were adapted. They are equal to the values in the catalogue.
- The deflection of the ELGR is appropriately considered when changing the orientation of the actuator.
- EGC-BS and future ELGA-BS provide increased usable force.
Missing product combination:
Modified with version 2.2.16
OMS (Optimized Motion Series) are now included (EPCO without guide):
- "EPCO without guide"-OMS systems can be simulated using 'unguided cantilever' filter options.
- If product ranges 'recommended + OMS' are selected and the selected system provides both product ranges, the parts list can be switched between both views (recommended and OMS).
- OMS systems can be filtered using cable lengths on the parts list page.
- After simulation, a torque speed diagram can be found on the details tab regarding the complete motion profile and every single step respectively.
- ELGA-G now is handled as a guided actuator using 'guided gantry' filter options.
- Consideration of guide calculation can be switched off on the guide tab, so guided actuators can be simulated without guide load.
- The installation process is adapted to the diversity of windows systems (32/64 Bit, regional settings, ...) and is supposed to react more flexible.
- Accessories are displayed in an optimized way.
- Motion profile's details (in pop up window) are optimized (values).
- Web links are called using SSL-only.
- simulation of SLTE when vertically assembled
- creation of reports
- calculation of deceleration time on motion profile popup
- parts list picture handling
- Calculation of jerk is limited in order to reach more feasible results.
Missing product combination:
Modified with version 2.2.15
- The printing of documentations works again flawlessly.
- Switching to the detailed motion profile and back does not cause any errors anymore.
- The link to the CAD-file on the parts list is working for every language now.
- Spindle technology selection is hidden on filter page, if screws are not selected.
Stroke, mass and external force are now copied into the detailed motion profile, if it was not selected before and has never been changed.
- This only works for new projects, it does not work for loaded projects.
- This does not work after switching from usable length or critical stroke to the detailed motion profile.
- Inputs on the motion profile calculation-popup updates acceleration times correctly.
- The selection of brake resistances considers resistors for -Mx variants of controllers, which increase the power range.
- Sorting by travel time, if guide load column is missing in the result list, works correctly.
- Default language is set correctly.
Missing product combination:
Modified with version 2.2.14
- Image position optimized (regarding scaling)
- Detailed motion profile input handling updated (insert, delete, new row)
- Load correct data for external guides on parts list
- Images on parts list load correctly, navigation for parts list options optimized
Missing product combination:
Modified with version 2.2.12
- On page result, maximum possible product data without considering current load requirement removed
- Detailed motion profile input handling updated
Missing product combination:
Modified with version 2.2.11
- Link to SupportPortal works again
- Detailed motion profile initialisation & navigation updated
- Diagram settings inputs re-activated
- Solutions without guide are displayed correctly in result & report
- Sorting order for results adapted
- Print functions updated
Missing product combination:
Modified with version 2.2.10
- Motion step result details for each phase of the step, separately shown for actuator, motor and guide
- Travel or total cycle time exceeding solution are indicated again
- Motion step travel time input: Operator display and message with missing results due to too little travel times updated
- Rotary drives: Maximum mass moment of inertia calculation bug fixed
Missing product combination:
Modified with version 2.2.9
- Product data: Friction values updated for ELGA with plain bearing
Motion profile editor
- Minus sign ('-') for decelerating external forces re-activated
- Button for calculation of motion step parameters visible again
- Input values are stored after a click on another cell in table
- Relative motion displacement update error fixed
- Operation improved with & without diagram representation
- Result grid: Formatting and sorting of result list columns updated
- Result diagram single steps: Print with absolute values for start time of the step
- System: Data handling improved for calculation with imperial units of quantity
Modified with version 2.2.8
Product combinations
- No longer available product combinations removed
- Missing: Combinations with DC motor MTR-DCI-42
- NEW: Further brake resistors: Smaller resistor value, partly more power
- Phased out actuators: Cantilever EGSA
- Phased out controllers: CMMP-AS-.. without 'Mx', beside CMMP-AS-C20-..
- UPDATE: Accessories conform to the Festo xDKI (03/2014)
- Optimized motor-, encoder-, resolver-cable mapping according to motor/controller-combination
- Load value of ball bearing guide (actuator family EGC) improved
User interface
- NEW: Motion profile table always visible showing the steps to be calculated for all motion profiles
- NEW: Switching between SI and US units in motion profile table, if both unit systems have been selected in the main menu 'Program'
- NEW: Comparison of technical main feature values of selected result combinations
- Bug fixed: Minus sign with displacement in motion step input calculation (travel time, displacement and speed or acceleration mode)
- Rotary module inertia representation improved, bug fixed: EHMB mass moment of inertia now incl. rod value
Modified with version 2.2.7
- Motion profile: editor update
- Image representation: scaling optimization
- Rotary actuator: navigation update
Modified with version 2.2.6
- Cantilever with guide: filter data format bugfix
- Controller voltage range: 10% tolerance considered
- EMME-AS: encoder cable included
Modified with version 2.2.5
- DC motors: bigger motor sizes are shown in result list again
Modified with version 2.2.4
- New controller CMMP-AS-..-M0
- Phased out: Linear motor HME, replacement with DFME or DNCE-LAS
Technical data
- Calculation within the allowed controller voltage range
- Brake resistor consideration including emergency stop
- Bigger maximum moved mass for gantry actuator product family EGC with guidance
- Guide filter considering separate force distances
- Optimised number of combinations
- Filter speed improved
Modified with version 2.2.3
- EPCO with CMMS-ST calculation corrected
- Emergency stop: Matching current and deceleration values without verification of brake resistor (Verification will follow in a later version)
- Result filter of travel times with fixed stroke actuators updated
- Switching between default and variable stroke possible again incl. after window zoom
Modified with version 2.2.2
- Brake resistor calculation improved
- Accessories updated
- Navigation improved, especially in context with zoom functions
Modified with version 2.2.0
New servo motor family EMME-AS
- Some combinations are not yet available, in result list they are indicated by a specific message
- Actuators ESBF with external guide unit EAGF
- Improved calculation of ESBF actuator in terms of its small share high overload capabilities
- Load factor servo motors: Maximum value of a (short time) peak value or effective value calculation
- PositioningDrives application window can be zoomed now
The following combinations will be added in a later version
Motor controller combinations EMMS-AS-... with CMMP-AS-... 1 phase (defined with CMMS-AS-... as well as 3-phase CMMP controllers)
- EMMS-AS-100-S-HS + CMMP-AS-C5-3A(-M3)
- EMMS-AS-140-L-HS + CMMP-AS-C5-11A(-M3)
Missing actuator - motor combination
- ELGA-TB-G/RF-70 + EMGA-60 + EMMS-AS-55/-70 and EMMS-ST-57
Modified with version 2.1.3
Diagnosis after loading a project files
- .. if file version that is newer than current application version
- .. if solution saved in project file is
- Whether hidden by user selected actuator sizes
- Or no more valid (includes material to be discontinued)
- Brake resistor power taken into account, too
- Improved product filter screen layout depending on selected actuator technology
Modified with version 2.1.2
- Bug fix input values in user settings
- Negative inputs possible with guide load distances
- Motor and measuring cables filtered by motor and controller
- Single selection of controller family CMMO with prior deselection of controller voltage 24 VDC provides results, too
Modified with version 2.1.1
Modified with version 2.1.0
- Whether hidden by user selected actuator sizes
- Or no more valid (includes material to be discontinued)
- Brake resistor power taken into account, too
New motor diagrams for CMMO
- With stepper motors + linear actuators
- With integrated actuator type EPCO
New filter functions
- Selection feature 'Product Range': New value 'Extended Options'
- Servo controller voltage
- Stepper controller families
- .. for actuators
- .. for motors
New parts list navigation
- Accessories
- Accessories
- System data = order code explanation (formerly within result data)
- SI and US units are selectable in one
Modified with version 2.0.12
- Optimum sizes are now depending on maximum travel times that allowed by input
- Rotary drives: Speed and acceleration data in report now relating to output
- Detailed motion profile steps: Triangle calculation with mode t-s-v possible with minimum acceleration
Modified with version 2.0.11
- Rotary drives with detailed motion profile
- Maximum values of motion are now created with project load, too
- A directly loaded project with invalid inputs does no longer create an error message when application is closed
- Maximum stroke of EGC-160 with toothbelt and heavy duty guide now correct (5000 mm)
- Shorter travel times of spindles with spindle support
Modified with version 2.0.10
Rotary drives: In detailed motion profile is now considered correctly
- Direction of external torque
- Negative absolute target angles
- Torque input values with decimals
- Saving project data with Unicode letters
- Update settings when leaving settings input form
- Correct part no. for sealed parallel mounting kit for DNCE-63 and Motor EMMS-AS-70-S
- EGC-160-HD with spindle support data improved
- Stroke of actuators with standard and variable lengths adapted to the relevant inputs. Implemented for FENG, too.
- Update of selection filter page for actuator product families after selection of 'Protected' and 'Not preferred'
- If uninstall function has not been used properly, local user data directories used by PositioningDrives can now be directly accessed and removed manually if necessary
Modified with version 2.0.9
- Report compilation bug fixed
- Maximum stroke length EGC-TB-220 corrected
- Image EGC with protected slider is visible now
Modified with version 2.0.8
Report improvements, a. o.:
- Correct gear ratios taken into account
- Trial of report access of a second running version is indicated
- Time and stroke with maximum speed are loaded from project file correctly
Modified with version 2.0.7
- Detailed motion project data loaded and represented in report correctly
- Travel time calculation call bug fixed
Modified with version 2.0.6
- Navigation improvements
- Return to screen top during initialisation and calculation processes
Modified with version 2.0.5
Correct values in report:
- Order code detail explanation
- Stepper motor voltage
- Travel time if both stepper and ServoLite have been selected
- SGear 22:1 is properly shown in motor order code
Modified with version 2.0.4
- Spindle load representation
- Order code representation bug fixed
Modified with version 2.0.3
- Linear motor calculation bug fixed (with detailed motion steps)
Modified with version 2.0.2
- Minimised memory allocation with many motion step
- Travel time calculation call bug fixed
- Correct product images
Modified with version 2.0.0
New products:
- Gantry actuators EGC-HD
- Cantilever actuators ELGA, EPCO
- Controller CMMO
Extended product families:
- Stepper motors: EMMS-ST-28
- Mounting kits: Milled and die-casted options
Moved to "not recommended for new projects"
- Cantilever actuators: HME, EGSA
Extended filter functions
- Product family filter
- Filter by lead and ball screws
- New graphical user interface and reports
New program structure:
- Projects of former versions can be loaded down to V1.4.0
Modified with version 1.5.12
- All Unicode languages are available again
- Not valid data of report "Solution proposal" with detailed motion profile with rotary drives are hidden
Modified with version 1.5.11
- NEW: Turkish language
- Maximum load of cantilever EGSL (not in horizontal assembly position) improved
- Guide load linear motor DFME adapted
- Bug fixed: Loading direction sign of external force of retracting motions within motion profile table in projects stored with PositioningDrives versions until incl. V1.4.10
Modified with version 1.5.10
First step in linear detailed motion profile may have any allowed value again
- V1.5.9 only: First step with constant target position = "usable length"
- Modifications of user settings are immediately taken into account
Modified with version 1.5.9
- Critical stroke value for calculation was too big (from version 1.5.6, 11 October 2010 on): Bug fixed
- Reduced maximum motor current for EMMS-AS-100-M
- Menu Settings: Service life window and show / hide page "Details" selection now also on start screen
Modified with version 1.5.8
- Modified gear friction
- Update product data EGSL
Modified with version 1.5.7
- Improved performance of cantilever EGSL
- Combination of EGC-185 and servo motor EMMS-AS-140 is available again
- Update of load calculation for lead screws
- Bug fix: External force with a long phase of constant speed with "Usable length" and "Critical stroke" motion profiles
Modified with version 1.5.6
- New: "High speed" spindle axes EGC with integrated support
- New: Extended range of brake resistors
- Updated calculation of EGSL axes
- Updated calculation of power with detailed motion profile
- 72 V stepper voltage removed due to European low voltage directive
- Updated price difference between stepper motor and its Servo Lite option
- Updated calculation of the additional torque caused by an external mass together with its excentricity
- Several help texts updated
Modified with version 1.5.5
- Calculation with detailed motion profile and positive maximum external force updated
- Selection filter and motion profile selection: Inputs are verified immediately
- Result diagram page: Duty ratio for a complete detailed motion profiles shown
Modified with version 1.5.4
- Image of cantilever axis 'EGSL' with parallel mounting kit
- Improved verification of holding torque of motor brake, especially with parallel mounting kits
Modified with version 1.5.3
- Result list with gantries: Default and extended slide length are shown together if selected accordingly
- Solution offer print sheet has been re-arranged
- Bug-fix: Rotary detailed motion profile with negative absolute displacement corrected
- DGE - MTR-DCI combinations removed
- Rotary application: Life time of MTR-DCI is displayed again with detailed motion profile
Modified with version 1.5.2
- Maximum stroke of ELGR adapted to catalogue values
- Faulty Unicode language text presentation corrected with version V1.5.1 (BG, JP, RU, ZH)
- Parts list: Copy to clipboard buttons for selected order code and parts list for Festo basket
Modified with version 1.5.0
- New gantry axis: ELGR - toothbelt
New cantilever axes:
- Linear motors DFME, DNCE
- Mini slide EGSL
- New linear - rotary module EHMB
- Servo motor diagram for calculation improved
- Calculation with smallest brake resistor allowed by controller
Graphical user interface:
- MOD: Repetition accuracy limit for selection of axes as per input value = 0.01 mm (gantries only!)
- i.e. high precise gantries with repetition accuracy < 0.01 mm are offered if input value is <= 0.01 mm
- Direction of action of external force in detailed motion profile:
- With minus sign (-) it always acts against current direction (decelerating)
- Help text has been updated
- Project load of previous versions:
- Message that motor-controller-gear combination can't be identified
- Order code of gears (incl. size) are shown below motor image on page results
- Rotary motion profile: External torque direction corrected
Modified with version 1.4.10
- Guidance data for gantries product type EGC-..-185 (EGC-TB-GK, EGC-BS-GV)
- No error message with only one solution in result list (rotary drives)
Modified with version 1.4.9
- Visual distinction of motor mounting with gantry product families completed
- Power calculation with improved consideration of controller limits
Modified with version 1.4.8
- Horizontal scroll bar
- Mounting kits also for ERMB
Modifications of linear drives application
- Acceleration in results and details:
- Switch to 2 decimal places if value '0.0' would be shown (very small accelerations)
- Update of result list after travel time modification
- Recalculation of result list after modification of detailed motion profile
Modified with version 1.4.7
Correct update of parts list with
- Part number
- Standard stroke
- Mounting kits with gears integrated in motors
- Differences of user settings and settings in project file are indicated in the settings window
- No error message with only one solution in result list
Modified with version 1.4.6
- Product data update for gantries
- Sorting as per sequential number (product validation) updated
- Graphical user interface: Navigation and data update bugs fixed
- Project data loading bug fixed
Modified with version 1.4.5
- Stepper with closed loop control: Maximum load torque adapted to static start conditions
- Filter operation accelerated
- Product designations updated in product details and parts list
- Order length selection and display improved
Modified with version 1.4.4
Improved hint for further products options with a precision better than 20 µm
- Gantry construction: EGSK, EGSP
- Cantilever construction: EGSA, HME
- Improved consideration of servo motor product data
- Improved calculation of motor acceleration in rotary drives
- Improved calculation of guidance with comparable load if guidance is the limiting component for the motion
- Improved geometry data of gantry axis EGC-BS
- Filter stepper motor "ServoLite" and "72 V" stepper voltage are inactive if only products "not for new projects" are selected
- Rotary drives: Bugs fixed with from alignment, "24 V" stepper voltage filter settings and motion profile "Reset details"
Modified with version 1.4.3
- Data base improved for gantry axis with spindle
- Rotary drives: Motor images bug fixed
- Result list: After a click on a message icon the subsequently marked line is now visible
- Print is possible again without previous saving of project data
Modified with version 1.4.2
If external force > 0, Festo recommendation (motor brake) is set
- also at horizontal assembly position (= 0°)
Modified with version 1.4.1
- Memory access improved (fixed error message 'ntdll.dll')
- Verification of axes' sliding also with assembly position = 0°
- Rotary drives: Limitation of run up by torque and acceleration of rotary module
- Rotary drives GUI functions
Modified with version 1.4.0
- New linear axis EGC-TB, EGC-BS
- New linear axis EGSK, EGSP with three repetition accuracies: 3, 5, 10 µm
- New rotary module ERMB within the renamed application "Rotary drives"
Two performance types of stepper motors EMMS-ST
- "Servo lite" type with closed loop
- Standard stepper
Filter pages: Modified product status distinction:
- "Recommended products": All solutions beside those with stepper MTRE
- "Not recommend for new projects": Stepper with integrated controller MTRE
Page "Parts list": Order code modification list in case of order relevant product design features which are not used with calculation, e.g.
- Motor shaft connection at cantilever DGEA
- Connectors at servo motors EMMS-AS
Page "Parts list": Mounting kits for axis - motor combination
Motor types MTR-AC and MTR-ST are no longer included:
- Please use version 1.3.6, if those motors are still required
Modified with version 1.3.6
- Correct part numbers for stepper motors "servo lite" shown on page Parts list
- Help texts improved on page Results
- Several PositioningDrives applications can be opened for an easy drive comparism
- Additional information shown on page Details / Product data of the axes: Workload of the guide
Modified with version 1.3.5
- Images in PDF file of solution proposal are shown again
- Warning of possible oscillations of specific cantilever axes with load distances > 0 is only valid with guide
- Improved calculation with ball screw at assembly positions > 180°
Modified with version 1.3.4
- Easier operation of page "System parameters" after a message window caused by exceeding the input value limits
- Product data: Rotational speed of motors has the right value again
Modified with version 1.3.3
- Extended mass range for several product families
- Motion profile calculation matching product models
- Correct adaption of speed in case of acceleration set point without speed limit
- Improved friction values for DNCE (lead screw)
- Improved consideration of lifetime with ball screw axes
- Improved guide loading calculation for cantilever axes
- User settings of loaded projects remain separated from general user settings
- Axial and parallel motor assembly kits for EGSA, DNCE and DMES
- Project documentation menu: Print and text files
- Guided tour in English and German, corresponding with setup language
- Short introduction file about software functions
Modified with version 1.3.1
- Country specific decimal separators are correctly operated again
- Result list enlarged depending on screen settings
Modified with version 1.3.0
- MNew application: Motor dimensioning with input form for work piece dimensions
- Linear axis together with the new motor and controller product range
- Information about technical or physical limits during input and result request process
- Optimisation of result list with smallest and next size of all linear axis product families matching task definitions
- Parts list for calculated components with export interface to Festo basket in order to find accessories
Modified with version 1.2.8
- Improvement with external force handling
- Bug fixing at driving profile
Modified with version 1.2.6
- Extended load range of actuators due to improved product data
- Result list: Optimum solutions or optional selected sizes of the axes are listed
- Result list: Separated display of load of axes and motors in result
- Parts list of main components
- Improved wording, e.g. time designations (travel time, pause time, cycle time)
Modified with version 1.2.4
- Fault corrected with continuous calculation after input of speed limit
- Set axis technology will stay independent on selection of "guide" or "axis construction"
Modified with version 1.2.3
- DNCE with stepper motors
- Different improvements in calculation, with images and diagram representation