Checkbox Software Version 3.0.10 Release Notes WCB / April 08, 2011 General Statements Sortbox V3.0.10 for Checkboxes with ZKI5 module Modifications as against Version 3.0.9 * Increased time delay between IO-write commands of OM22 module to fix timing problems Modifications as against Version 3.0.8 * The change of a memory chip on the ZKI5 module required an adjustment of the access timing. Without these adjustments the access to the teach data is impossible. Modifications as against Version 3.0.7 * Adaption to new generation of ZKI5 hardware. New ZKI5 modules can be identified by the string '( D8 )' following the serial number of the IPc module; e.g. E.IPC-ZKI5 SN200724 ( D8 ) ATTENTTION! OS 3.0.7 and prior versions no longer work on new ZKI5 modules. OS 3.0.8 still works on 'old' ZKI5 hardware. Corrections as against Version 3.0.6 * A bug in the feeder control section of a Sortbox could lead to a wrong activation of the feeder signal at the PLC connector. If the jam sensors were activated and the input signal 'Counter reset' occured, the feeder signal has been reactivated in spite of the fact that the jam sensors were still activated. Corrections as against Version 3.0.5 * Sometimes it could happen that the feeder signal has never be activated, if the counter mode 'Prod' has been selected. Corrections as against Version 3.0.4 * Checkbox with encoder could do wrong calculations of the features 'Pol_min' and/or 'Pol_max' at high part rates ( >10 parts/s ). This error lead to an increase of bad parts. This error has been fixed. * Crash of the Checkbox software: If parts were passing the camera during startup process (all parts are ejected) the Checkbox OS software could have been crashed sporadically. Normally this error occurred rarely, as the feeding system will be started by the Checkbox when the startup process has been finished. 'Pseudo parts' e.g. caused by a very sharp adjusted viewing area can result in this error. This bug has been fixed. Known Anomalies of Version 3.0.5 * If 'Forced stop of analysis' has been activated the parameter 'Error 6: Part length exceeded' appears at the end of the error parameters list. This is a refresh problem of the parameter tree of CheckKon. To refresh the system parameters window you can close and reopen the window. * In the German version of the parameters the actuators menu contains 'Distance to camera = ... mm' (translated). All other language versions use 'Nozzle position = ... mm'. These different entries will remain meanwhile as they are described like that in the manual. * The calculation of some features with contour filtering activated leads to different results in comparison with CheckOpti. Teaching parts via CheckOpti is in this case restricted to set additional features (ROI, VStrip, CTool). * The feature setting (disable feature, fix feature, change tolerance factor) can't be done type specific, but it will be done via type 1 of each sorting program. Therefore different configurations of features of a sorting program must not be set. Corrections as against Version 3.0.3 * The problem that 'E41' could occur during the update of the operating system has been fixed. * A wrong error display in connection with 'Forced stop of analysis = yes/no' has been fixed. If 'Forced stop of analysis = yes' and error 6 detection is enabled parts longer than the adjusted maximum part length will result in error 6 immediately. In former times error 6 has been displayed when the part scan has been finished - this lead to error 2 by mistake whenever very long parts passed the camera. New Features of Version 3.0.3 * New parameter 'Resolution reduction: number of grouped pixel = ...' Default value: 1 (no resolution reduction) This parameter calculates the mean value of the grey values across 2 or 4 pixel anlong the camera sensor (vertical direction). Any change of this parameter causes in an appropriate change of the maximum values of the parameters 'Upper limit of viewing area = ...' and 'Lower limit of viewing area = ...' The parameter is only accessible if you have started CheckKon in the level 'factory settings'. * CheckKon can be connected via RS232 (diagnostic cable) interface although the Checkbox has been started. * Error 6 (Part length exceeded) operation has changed. In the system parameter window in the menu 'Advanced image parameters' there is the new parameter 'Forced stop of analysis = yes/no'. If this condition is switched off error 6 ('Part length exceeded') isn't visible. In this case error 6 can't be triggered by the Checkbox. If the parameter 'Forced stop of analysis' is enabled the allowed part length can be adjusted via the parameter 'Maximum part lenght = ... mm' which is visible from that time. If the part lenght exceeds the ajusted maximum part length, error 6 will be triggered (if error 6 detection is enabled). If the parameter 'Forced stop of analysis' is enabled also the parameter 'Error 6: Part length exceeded' is visible. Now the error 6 detection can be switched off/on via this parameter. * New filters for the upper and lower contour of parts have been implemented. The new parameter is called 'Contour filter = enabled/disabled'. If the contour filter is enabled you can choose between the filter types 'mean value' and 'median'. The lenght of the filter can be ajusted within a range between 3 and 33 pixel. The filter parameters are only accessible if you have started CheckKon in the level 'factory settings'. * Improved error 3 detection An improved monitoring of the camera signals gives you a more reliable diagnosis whether the camera or the camera cable has any defect. * New error 76 (hardware error) Error 76 is a fatal error. It shows a data transfer error of videosignals at the ZKI5 module. * New parameter 'Error 14: Encoder limit reached (belt speed too fast)' for Checkboxes with encoder. This error condition monitors the allowed maximum pulses/s of the encoder in dependence on the ajusted encoder to line frequency ratio. The error detection for error 14 can be disabled. * New parameter 'Baudrate after power on = ... Baud' In the level factory settings this parameter can be found in the system parameter window (default value = 9600 Baud). This parameter makes it easier for some customers to analyse data with their own software. The parameter 'Baudrate after power on = ... Baud' is only accessible if you have started CheckKon in the level 'factory settings'. * The parameter 'Encoder pulses per 1mm part movement = ... pulses/mm' can be adjusted automatically via the function 'Start encoder adjustment pulses/mm...' To do this a reference part with a known length is necessary. * The logic version of the firmware is now visible in the 'System information'. * An external camera trigger makes it possible e.g. to check endless material with the Checkbox or to check parts running in a system that doesn't permit a constant movement of the test parts. For configuration the following parameters have been added: - 'External camera-trigger = enabled/disabled' - 'Trigger signal = negative switching (npn)/positive switching (pnp)' The trigger signal is edge sensitive and can be adjusted with this parameter. - 'Trigger delay = ... Pixel' This parameter enables a delayed scan of the parts. - 'Scan length = ... Pixel' ATTENTION! The use of the external camera trigger requires a hardware extension inside the control unit of the Checkbox. This parameter is only accessible if you have started CheckKon in the level 'factory settings'. * The belt speed can also be displayed by pressing the STATUS button although the grey scale line display has been activated. This is only possible for Checkboxes with encoder. * New parameter 'Teach mode: minimum part length = ... mm' (default value: 3 mm) This parameter makes it possible to ignore parts during teach if the part length is less than the ajusted value. Thus frayed out belts or small particles of dirt no longer falsifies your teach data. This improves the immunity to interfering of the whole system. * New parameter 'Computation time last part' This parameter is only visible in the level 'factory settings' It permits an estimate where to place the first ejection position in relation to the belt speed. * The parameter tree (System parameter window) is available in English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. * When CheckKon has been shut down, the Checkbox no longer transfers any part specific data (same as mains switch off/on as before). This works only with CheckKon 3.0Rel005. * The OS file ('checkbox_v303_ori4.bin') contains all data that are necessary for a proper work of the Checkbox. ATTENTION! A separate download of the file 'o70_v28_xcs40.bin' is no longer needed and must not be done from now on because of compatibility of future operating systems. * Parameters of the Checkbox can be changed via the RS232 interface by simple ASCII based commands. Detailed information only on inquiry. * Maximum no. of orientations vs. no. of sorting programs: 8 orientations: 2 sorting programs, with max. 6 types each (new) 4 orientations: 4 sorting programs, with max. 6 types each 2 orientations: 8 sorting programs, with max. 6 types each 1 orientation: 10 sorting programs, with max. 6 types each * New reaction of the display elements: - Select and Auto mode: After part detection and decision the type lamp of the identified type is activated; tolerance and counter display show information for the detected type. - Auto mode: Additionally 'FULL' will be displayed part specific for jam (in the tolerance display) and counter reached (in the counter display). If all part types of sorting program have jam condition or counter reached: 'FULL' in tolerance or counter display is blinking, the type lamp of identified type is still activated. By pushing a type button the appropriate information (tolerance and counter) will be shown in the displays. All other buttons are still locked as before. Update of all displayed conditions will happen every second. Corrections as against Version 3.0.2 * If data transfer is switched off with the parameter 'Transfer of part data via RS232 = On/Off' data transfer is also prevented in teach mode. * Bug: A forced stop of analysis by switching off Error 6 detection caused a failure of the contour data transfer of 'split parts'. This bug has been removed. * If there is no logic design available on the ZKI5 module the Checkbox will hang. This failure will show 'FPGA' in the tolerance display now. * To quit an error with the STATUS button, and the Checkbox was running in AUTO mode even though the error is still remaining, no longer activates the ready signals (mode signals) and the conveyor unit signal. * Correction of deviation for bad parts. Bug: For bad parts with an orientation less than the last taught orientation the deviations in the features window (part contour window) of CheckKon (green dot, red arrow, etc.) were wrong. Always the deviations of the unknown part to the last orientation has been displayed. * The polarity of buffer sensors is now evaluated right. * In CheckKon the tolerance of the identified part is displayed right. Hints: * The Config-Tools for a sorting program are always located on the first type of the sorting program! It's recommended to define the same tools for all types of a sorting program. Then all types of a sorting program can be changed with each other. * Please take care, that your starter kit has a completely wired plc connector (buffer sensor inputs 3-6 conn. to 24V as described in the Sortbox manual). * Erasing all part types of a sorting program results in E20. Remedy: Teach a part on type 1 of all sorting programs. * Counter function with switch-off: A switch-off value '0' is also valid, i.e. don't count this part type. (e.g. only 2 types per sorting program --> enter '0' at switch-off values of types 3 to 6). If the switch-off value is '0' at all types of a sorting program, the counter display will show 'FULL' in AUTO mode and 'PrE' or 'Act' selected as counter mode. And the signal 'Preselected counter status of all part types reached' will be activated at the PLC interface. * Tip: Connect the checkbox plc tester to train the Sortbox functionality.