1.8.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- - MES4 Added planned orders Added ability to re-schedule planned orders Added ability to enable/ disable orders Improved sorting and filtering orders Added filtering of buffers Added import/export for buffers Bug fix in layout exports for CIROS Bug fix in the OEE queries Further bug fixes and improvements - AI Detection and reference to Festo AX and ML software - Services Added install/unistall process for FactoryViews Updated Apache to v2.4.59 Updated PHP to v8.3.6 Updated NodeJS to v20.12.2 Updated MariaDB to v11.3.2 Updated MongoDB to v6.0.15 Updated Node-RED to v3.1.11 Updated 3rd party libraries 1.7.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- - MES4 Added CP Factory standard stations Added MPS 400 Robot Assembly and parts Added multiple production islands Added logistics functionality: material tracking, boxes handling, warehouse management Added Manual Workstations Added Robotino support; Limitations: Latest PLC code with correct BufNo, BufPos configuration required; not supported in CIROS Added warnings if part or group is deleted, imported or cannot be produced Bugfix CP-L-iASRS12 Updated model export for CIROS 7.3.3 CP Lib - Webshop: Updated to OpenCart E-Mail notifications disabled by default (Go to Admin - System - Settings - Mail - Mail Engine to activate SMTP) Known OpenCart bugs: - Filtering of products not working - Review cannot be submitted - Energy MQTT client for IoT Gateway support - Services Improved backup and restore mechanism Maintenance and security updates: Updated Apache to v2.4.57.0 updated PHP to v8.2.10.0 Updated Opencart to v4.0.2.3 Updated NodeJS to v18.17.1 Updated MariaDB to v10.11.5.0 Updated MongoDB to v6.0.10.0 Updated Node-RED to v3.1.0, Updated all node palettes to latest version Updated 3rd party libraries 1.6.1 -------------------------------------------------------------- - Node-RED Added User instance on port 18890 - Node-RED Stations Restored MPS 400 Measuring Pro Dashboard 1.6.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Maintenance Release - Framework: Updated libraries PHP, OpenCart, NodeJS, Apache, MariaDB, MongoDB Updated help contents - MES4: Added CP Lab-4/6/8/10 standard layouts and parts Fixed part filter Fixed problems using none or multiple part groups Small improvements - Webshop: Updated OpenCart to Added CP Lab-4/6/8/10 standard parts Disabled default e-mail notifications for webshop admin - Energy: Added option to show/hide Factory tab - Node-RED Updated to 3.0.2 Junctions, context menue, Dynamic MQTT, hiding tabs, Flow debugger; Runtime: editing stopped flows 1.5.2 (beta version for CP Lab) -------------------------------------------------------------- Updated - Framework Fixed restore failure FR, PT translations revised - Energy: Fixed dropdown Fixed connection to Energy Measurement Box with CECC controller - Webshop Added missing file webshopSettings.json Added documentation - MES4 Bugfix parameters of custom operations were not editable Bugfix time format of orders 1.5.1 (beta version for CP Lab) -------------------------------------------------------------- Updated - MES4: Added CP-L 4/6/8/10 support Parts: Support of part groups Parameter Types: Numer, String, Part from group, value from list, parameter of step, custom SQL, return value; including factor and offset Orders: Enable filtering and deleting of multiple orders Added export and import formats json, csv, json, xml for parts and orders Operation: Added CP Lab errors Updated Festo UX/UI - Control Panel Integrated Node-Red User application Removed: - Setup: Setup.bat not needed to run after extraction or moving the directory Limitations: - New texts only machine-translated into HU, PT, CN and all texts into ES. 1.4.3 -------------------------------------------------------------- Updated - InfoPortal: November 2022 release Added - New AR scenes for MPS-404 (require latest PLC software) - Node-RED AR 1.4.2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Updated - InfoPortal: August 2022 release - Framework: Requires InfoPortal folder in xampp/htdocs Accepts extended InfoPortal folder structure as of August 2022 1.4.1 -------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix - Node-RED Webshop: Fixed cases of duplicated order positions transferred to MES4 Updated - Webshop: Displays time stamps of order status changes in addition to date 1.4.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Added - MES4: CIROS export for MPS stations MPS Sorting: Added link "MPS Image Classification" - Energy: Added button to download all values as CSV file - Webshop: Added cookie banner Updated - XAMPP: MariaDB Updated to support LAG() - AR: Updated instructions - Framework: Updated Terms and Conditions 1.3.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Added - Node-RED Stations: Added HTTP API for CP System conveyor control 1.2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Added - Energy: Energy app integrated - AR: CP-lab Scene added - Stations dashboards: CP start / stop / reset added (+API) Updated - Framework: Energy app integrated - AR app is configurable (scene url and page url) - ControlPanel: Energy app integrated 1.1.6 -------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix - MES4: Fixed performance issues when token-based license is used 1.1.5 -------------------------------------------------------------- Bugfix - MES4: Fixed to unblock CarrierId after unfinished orders are deleted 1.1.4 -------------------------------------------------------------- - Ready for use with alternative token-based license 1.1.3 -------------------------------------------------------------- Features: - Archive is self extracting executable file (requires license to extract) Bugfixes: - Licenses are found on license servers 1.1.2 -------------------------------------------------------------- Added Backups: for different systems (MPS-403/404, CP-Lite) Bugfixes - Languages: Chinese language updated - Framework: enable/disable apps with no product code - MES4: problem with workplan step without parameters - UaToMes4: overwriting the complete parameters array on receive - NodeRed/Webshop: update order state on error 1.1.1 -------------------------------------------------------------- Updated UaToMes4 1.1.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Added: UaToMes4 component to add OPC-UA support to the MES4 core 1.0.1 -------------------------------------------------------------- This release contains some bugfixes and a major update of the XAMPP. 1.0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------- Initial version